The two initiators
Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl
Florian Stahl joined the Chair of Business Administration at the University of Mannheim as Professor of Marketing in autumn 2013. His research focuses on empirical quantitative marketing, business administration and information systems research. Specifically, he deals with business management issues of the digital economy, especially with online social networks and social media. Florian Stahl's further research interests include the brand and product switching behavior of customers, the intertemporal selection of consumers and the discounting of future benefits, as well as the pricing and sampling of (digital) products. Methodologically, his research is based on empirical modeling, applied econometrics, Bayesian modeling and experimental studies (laboratory and field experiments).
Jürgen Rösger
Jürgen Rösger is a former CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) and CDO (Chief Digital Officer) of E-Plus Mobilfunk. After these tasks he started his own business with img. Among other things, img helps companies to make their data measurable and thereby build up a data-based empathy that ultimately leads to C/DXE. Parallel to his role as img's managing director, he founded the Digital Academy@MBS together with the Mannheim Business School, which has set itself the task of training managers and thereby ensuring the future viability of companies undergoing digital transformation. He is currently managing director of both img and the Digital Academy@MBS.