Customer and Digital Experience Excellence
A research & publication project by img and the University of Mannheim
Most recent contributions
What the hospitality industry tells us about C/DXE
When thinking about customer experience excellence, many people will consider luxury hotels as the primary example. Hospitality was one of the first industries to really focus on customer service. In the context of hotels, that kind of customer-focus came naturally, as the aim of hotels is to provide a home away from home for travellers. Today, one can observe that such a customer-centered mindset also pays off in many other industries.
Importance of C/DXE for Business
Business success increasingly depends on firms’ expertise in customer experience management. Thereby, delivering superior customer experiences is not only important in the experience economy sector.
C/DXE as Competitive Imperative
Consumers now interact with companies through numerous touch points in multiple channels and media. What we must understand is that products and services are simply a means to an end with no value in and of themselves and that consumers buy them to have experiences.
Origins of the C/DXE Concept
For the past decade, customer experience has enjoyed significant attention in marketing theory and practice, although the concept can actually be traced back as far as to the economist Lawrence Abbott in the mid twentieth century.
C/DXE as part of the product
How are customers currently affected and benefited by Customer Experience Excellence? And how do companies and the industry even deal with it right now?
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Even though the pandemic has accelerated these 11 trends named by Josh Howarth, they are still on a growth trajectory. What connects and drives most of them is technology. Especially in the areas of fintech (digital wallets), social media (social shopping) and augmented reality (VR/AR shopping). Those who want to differentiate themselves from the competition with an excellent customer journey and increase their sales will find new potential in these trends.